O Movimento Negro (1940-50) e a emergência do debate político sobre legislação antirrac


  • Cinhia Casisia Catoia


Movimento Negro. Racismo. Democracia Racial. Legislação Antirracismo.


Este artigo analisa as demandas e estratégias mobilizadas pelo movimento negro nas décadas de 1940 e 1950 e aponta como essa luta teve centralidade para a emergência de um debate político sobre a importância de uma legislação antirracismo no Brasil, tema ainda pouco explorado pela literatura. O artigo propõe, ainda, uma reflexão sobre como o movimento negro, ao problematizar as relações étnico-raciais brasileiras e denunciar o racismo apontou, já naquele momento, os limites do projeto político brasileiro, sintetizado na figura do ‘mestiço’, que afirmava a nação brasileira como uma democracia racial. Para as reflexões propostas, privilegiamos a revisão da literatura sobre o movimento negro brasileiro, a análise de periódicos da imprensa negra, das décadas de 1940-50, e a análise dos debates da Convenção Nacional do Negro(1945), da Conferência Nacional do Negro(1949) e I Congresso brasileiro do Negro (1950). Cabe apontar que, por meio de um amplo debate, o movimento negro trouxe para o espaço público demandas e propostas que, no diálogo com o Estado, explicitaram uma luta por conquista de direitos, assentada na criação de leis e políticas de caráter promocional, educativo-pedagógico e coercitivo, como estratégia para neutralizar os efeitos da desigualdade racial e desconstruir preconceitos, estereótipos e discursos que cotidianamente (re)produzem e legitimam o racismo. Uma luta política que possibilitou, ao mesmo tempo, tensionar o lugar subalterno da população negra e disputar os sentidos da nação e da identidade dos sujeitos negros.
Palavras-chave: Movimento Negro. Racismo. Democracia Racial. Legislação Antirracismo;

This article analyses a subject that has not been given much of attention so far: the demands and the strategies mobilized by 40’s and 50’s Black Movement, pointing out the way the central place this political fight took part for the emergency of political 

debate on the importance of Brazilian anti-racism laws. In addition, this article proposes a critical consideration about how the Black Movement pointed out the limits of the Brazilian political project, which was centered in the figure of the "mestizo" (mestizo), preached the so-called racial democracy by questioning the Brazilian ethnic-racial relationships and reporting racism. In order to promote these considerations, we gave priority to the reviewing literature about the Brazilian Black Movement, the analysis of 40’s and 50’s black press and the analysis of debates occurred in three events: National Convention of Black People (1945), National Conference of Black People (1949) and the First Brazilian Congress of Black People (1950). We highlight that, designed under a wide debate, the Black Movement brought some proposals and demands to the public arena. Considering the dialogue with the State, those requests were able to set out a battle seeking for rights based on the creation of laws and policies with promotional, educative and coercive characteristics. Their strategies were focused on neutralizing the effects of racial inequality and breaking down prejudices, stereotypes, and speeches that (re)produced and legitimated racism daily. This political struggle allowed to stress the subalternplace occupied by the black people as well as to put in dispute the senses of nation and the black people identity. Keywords: Black Movement. Racism. Racial Democracy. Anti- racism legislation

Biografia do Autor

Cinhia Casisia Catoia

Mestre em Sociologia pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) e graduada em Ciências Sociais pela mesma universidade. Especialista em Direitos humanos pela Faculdade de Direito de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade São Paulo (FDRP/USP) e bacharel em Direito pela mesma universidade. Pesquisa temas relacionados a direitos humanos das mulheres. violência de gênero, feminismos, movimento negro e legislação antirracismo.


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Como Citar

Catoia, C. C. (2018). O Movimento Negro (1940-50) e a emergência do debate político sobre legislação antirrac. Revista Café Com Sociologia, 7(1), 30–49. Recuperado de https://revistacafecomsociologia.com/revista/index.php/revista/article/view/841



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                                             SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line  263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
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   PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line  143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line   68, file: index.php
                                                                  ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line  132, file: DAO.inc.php
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                                                            ArticleSearchDAO.getPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, , 500, 1) % line  201, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                         SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                      SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  194, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                   SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  132, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                             SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line  263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                          SubmissionSearch.retrieveResults(Object:Request, Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, null, Object:DBResultRange, Array[1]) % line   92, file: RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.inc.php
                                       RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.callbackTemplateArticlePageFooter(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line  107, file: HookRegistry.inc.php
                                    HookRegistry.call(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 1256, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
                                 PKPTemplateManager.smartyCallHook(Array[1], Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line   43, file: 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101^1c372c95cd85572e0fbc9a53d0323a0b229cfc78_0.app.frontendpagesarticle.tpl.php
                              content_669675abeb3ae7_90159373(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  123, file: smarty_template_resource_base.php
                           Smarty_Template_Resource_Base.getRenderedTemplateCode(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  114, file: smarty_template_compiled.php
                        Smarty_Template_Compiled.render(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  216, file: smarty_internal_template.php
                     Smarty_Internal_Template.render(false, 1) % line  232, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
                  Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase._execute(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null, 1) % line  134, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
               Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null) % line  924, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
            PKPTemplateManager.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl) % line  287, file: ArticleHandler.inc.php
         ArticleHandler.view(Array[1], Object:Request) % line  391, file: PKPRouter.inc.php
      PKPRouter._authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array[2], Object:Request, Array[1], false) % line  231, file: PKPPageRouter.inc.php
   PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line  143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line   68, file: index.php
                                                                  ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line  132, file: DAO.inc.php
                                                               DAO.retrieveCached(SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2], 3600) % line   91, file: ArticleSearchDAO.inc.php
                                                            ArticleSearchDAO.getPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, , 500, 1) % line  201, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                         SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                      SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  194, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                   SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  132, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                             SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line  263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                          SubmissionSearch.retrieveResults(Object:Request, Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, null, Object:DBResultRange, Array[1]) % line   92, file: RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.inc.php
                                       RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.callbackTemplateArticlePageFooter(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line  107, file: HookRegistry.inc.php
                                    HookRegistry.call(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 1256, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
                                 PKPTemplateManager.smartyCallHook(Array[1], Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line   43, file: 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101^1c372c95cd85572e0fbc9a53d0323a0b229cfc78_0.app.frontendpagesarticle.tpl.php
                              content_669675abeb3ae7_90159373(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  123, file: smarty_template_resource_base.php
                           Smarty_Template_Resource_Base.getRenderedTemplateCode(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  114, file: smarty_template_compiled.php
                        Smarty_Template_Compiled.render(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  216, file: smarty_internal_template.php
                     Smarty_Internal_Template.render(false, 1) % line  232, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
                  Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase._execute(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null, 1) % line  134, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
               Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null) % line  924, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
            PKPTemplateManager.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl) % line  287, file: ArticleHandler.inc.php
         ArticleHandler.view(Array[1], Object:Request) % line  391, file: PKPRouter.inc.php
      PKPRouter._authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array[2], Object:Request, Array[1], false) % line  231, file: PKPPageRouter.inc.php
   PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line  143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line   68, file: index.php
                                                                  ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line  132, file: DAO.inc.php
                                                               DAO.retrieveCached(SELECT 				o.submission_id, 				MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, 				MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, 				MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2], 3600) % line   91, file: ArticleSearchDAO.inc.php
                                                            ArticleSearchDAO.getPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, , 500, 1) % line  201, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                         SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                      SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line  194, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                   SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                                SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line  132, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                             SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line  263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
                                          SubmissionSearch.retrieveResults(Object:Request, Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, null, Object:DBResultRange, Array[1]) % line   92, file: RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.inc.php
                                       RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.callbackTemplateArticlePageFooter(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line  107, file: HookRegistry.inc.php
                                    HookRegistry.call(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 1256, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
                                 PKPTemplateManager.smartyCallHook(Array[1], Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line   43, file: 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101^1c372c95cd85572e0fbc9a53d0323a0b229cfc78_0.app.frontendpagesarticle.tpl.php
                              content_669675abeb3ae7_90159373(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  123, file: smarty_template_resource_base.php
                           Smarty_Template_Resource_Base.getRenderedTemplateCode(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  114, file: smarty_template_compiled.php
                        Smarty_Template_Compiled.render(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line  216, file: smarty_internal_template.php
                     Smarty_Internal_Template.render(false, 1) % line  232, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
                  Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase._execute(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null, 1) % line  134, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
               Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null) % line  924, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
            PKPTemplateManager.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl) % line  287, file: ArticleHandler.inc.php
         ArticleHandler.view(Array[1], Object:Request) % line  391, file: PKPRouter.inc.php
      PKPRouter._authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array[2], Object:Request, Array[1], false) % line  231, file: PKPPageRouter.inc.php
   PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line  143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line  281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line   68, file: index.php